Slow and stereotypical
By Peanut235
I had high hopes for a new (to me) series. Deleted before finishing. Nothing new here- stereotypical characters and a plot that doesn’t really move.
By Pak111
I hope this view of Jesus is not how Mr. Berry really feels regarding his sacrifice and resurrection. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.
The Templar Legasy
By Pamalamb
I really enjoyed this story. Made me think which is good for me. Not sure I liked some of the revelations but interesting! Thanks for the adventure!
Good book
By Dîckhead
Good book
Templar thriller
By waldhaus1
I recently had the pleasure of attending a talk the author gave about his work. He described the difficulty he had getting a first book published 85 preceding rejections.
I had read a history of the Templars years ago and did remember their forced disbanding. Ivanhoe was my first encounter with them in literature.
This story is about a secret continuation of the group and the groups search for lost treasure and archives.
Unexpected Priorities
By MTUser
This book is fairly well written, with occasional awkwardness where it seems the author was at a loss for the right words. As the novel progressed, I was disappointed to see the author’s anti-Christian bias take place of the story line.
Not so good
By russ kram
Long,verbose,episodic action,better as a historical discussion of the Catholic Church
The Templars Legacy
By AletseGB
Very interesting dissertation about a controversial subject. Good arguments knitted along the story.
Book Review
By Mystery Story reader
This was a excellent treasure book connected to the KniGhts TemPlar.
The Templar Legacy
By Awsomest123456789
Well researched and presented. Believable characters, great plot and hard to put down once you start.