A COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS tie-in! The Titans lay to rest one of their own! The events in this issue lead to a new journey for one-time Wonder Girl Donna Troy.
Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, Mike Olsen, Jeff Drake, Ben Dickerson, Brian Hall, Mark Von Der Heide, Adam Beechen, John McNamee, Frank Forte, Steven Theis, Tom Riggin, Mario D'Anna, Adam Philipps, Hector Reynoso & Anthony Aguinaldo
James Tynion IV, Robbie Thompson, Tim Seeley, Tom King, Marv Wolfman, Peter J. Tomasi, Devin Grayson, Adam Beechen, Chuck Dixon, Amy Wolfram, Judd Winick, Ramon Villalobos, Mikel Janin, Javier Fernandez, Dustin Nguyen, Jorge Jimenez, Freddie Williams II, Tom Grummett, Scott McDaniel, Dan Jurgens, Damion Scott, Kenneth Rocafort, Nicola Scott, Andy Kubert & Frank Miller