The Book of Am-Tuat - Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge

The Book of Am-Tuat

By Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge

  • Release Date: 2016-03-24
  • Genre: Ancient History


The Majesty of this god standeth up after he hath taken up his position in this Court, and he addresseth words to the gods who are therein, saying, "Open ye to me your doors, and let me come into your Courts! Give ye light unto me, and make ye yourselves guides to me, O ye who came into being, from my members, my word hath gone forth to you. Ye are made of my bodies, I have made you, having fashioned you of my soul, I have created you, I have made you by means of my enchantments, [and] I have come to avenge myself the blood of my members which have risen up against me, and I will bring to destruction that which hath been made for it. I will make perfect with the . . . . . . of my forms Osiris Khenti Amenti. Open to me the doors with your hands, O ye Apes, unfold to me the portals of the Courts, O ye Apes, [and welcome] the gods (or, goddesses) who have come into being from my divine Souls, come ye into being, come ye into being for(?) KHEPERA, O ye who have your being at the head of the Tuat. Stand ye up, in URNES, and stablish ye yourselves on the secret banks thereof, and work ye for the gods of Tuat in the Court which ye guard, possess ye your plans in your seats, in your domains and in your fields."
The gods of this Court say unto Ra, "O great god, [the doors] are opened to thee, and the portals of the secret Ament are thrown open before thee, the doors of Nut the great are thrown wide open, illumine thou the darkness of night (or, thick darkness), provide for that which is in the place of destruction, and approach thou in thy name of Ra the place where is OSIRIS KHENTI AMENTI. There is a shout of joy to Ra at the entrance to the doors of the earth (?). Praise be to thee and make thou perfect the light, and enter thou [in through the habitations] of the Great Country. The Apes (ambenti) open the doors to thee, the Apes (amhetetu) unfold to thee the portals, the serpents sing, and exalt thee, and the divine serpents lighten thy darkness for thee . . . . . . . O Ra, the goddess of the hour cometh to thee, the two SOUL GODDESSES tow thee along in thy form, and thou takest up thy position on the ground of the Field of [this] land. Thou hast taken possession of the night, and thou wilt bring in the day, and [thou] dost likewise make long the hours, and thy boat cometh to rest. Thou seizest the grain of the god HENBET in thy secret place (?) NET. Thou openest NET-RA, "thou uncoverest the god TCHEBA, the uraeus goddesses (neterit) of URNES acclaim thee, the uraeus goddesses (nehenuit) ascribe praise to thee, thy word is maat against thine enemies, thou givest tribulations to those who are condemned."
