By yzpresto
Classic Brust with lots of fun dialogue
Long time fan
By SarahAndKen
I’ve loved the Vlad books since I was a teenager, now my son has been reading them with me for the past few years and it’s been great. If I’m being honest I was a bit hesitant to get excited about another trip to the past for Vlad (only because I’m so interested where his current story will go and ultimately end) but as usual I was not disappointed. Mr. Brust is a remarkable storyteller and I enjoyed every minute of this book. Pick it up I have no doubt you’ll enjoy it too!
Increasingly stale series
By diamantine
This installment of Dragaera was disappointing—a vague and confused plot, involving further instances of “protagonist plot armour”, whose only payoff is the revelation at the end.
Much of the early banter/wisecracking were by-the-numbers—to be charitable, a portion could be attributed to a younger protagonist, but much of it felt forced.
The 3-star rating is because the long lasting Dragaera series has had several high points (especially “Orca”). I’d rate Tsalmoth much lower in isolation.
Technical issues
By csc745
Impossible to read. End of each page has nothing in common with start of next page. Page order broken? Page formatting losing words? Sentences that cross a page make no sense, and can even change speakers.