Not what I hoped for
By KrisL_smith
This was definitely not what I expected from this author. Usually her books are written so well and the characters have a lot of depth. Usually you relate to them or actually enjoy reading about them. But this was not one of her best works in my opinion. There were several continuity errors and the plot seemed rushed. The villain was not very believable since the laird would not have been so gullible. There was hardly any story line of Mora and Gybbon getting to know each other. Just suddenly they were in love? At one point she forgot she had already written that two characters had met and that really took me out of the story. Overall I don’t feel like this was very believable and either was not written by her personally or had to have been pushed out quickly or as a last thought to try and just have something published. I do not recommend buying this book. If you want to read it I would find somewhere that offers it for free.